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Brittany Michelle 


Kellie O' Brien

NaNa Love                 

While we go through our life journeys, many of us get caught up in our own lives that we lose sight of the struggles other people around us face. It’s important that we remember where we came from and that if we can help, we should. Ellen DeGeneres takes advantage of being a talk show host by spreading positivity to her audience in the studio and viewers at home. She recently brought awareness to anti-bullying through creating a PSA and titling it “Be Kind.” Not only that, but she’s always encouraging her viewers to stand up for what they believe in and donate to causes that touch them and if they don’t have the means to financially donate, she encourages them to actively donate their time to DO something to make a difference. Not all of us happen to have access to a talk show, such as Ellen, but we have the ability to go through our neighborhoods and put together events to bring people closer, get a group of friends and spend a day cooking meals for the homeless. Greatness comes in many forms, but I believe the most everlasting is through sharing the brightness in our hearts with those who may feel as though they’re walking through the shadows.

I’m sure that as kids, all of us heard the sayings, “Dreams do come true” and “Anything is possible, if you believe it you can achieve it.” How many of us actually apply them though? How many of us fail, but get up and try again until we succeed? Take a look at Michael Jordan for example. He tried out for the varsity basketball team his sophomore year, but standing at 5’11” he didn’t make the cuts being told he was too small to play at that level. Having both played and coached high school basketball, I’ve seen many kids who didn’t make varsity, but were unable to use it as motivation to work harder and strive for greatness. Who knew that the kid who didn’t make the varsity team would eventually become the greatest basketball player of all time? Michael Jordan showed the world that if you set goals for yourself and work hard enough to achieve them, that eventually you will do just that and even go beyond where you originally saw yourself reaching. Life is all about self-determination, if you want it go after it. Don’t let any bumps in the road stop you from reaching your destination.

Our first week of blog posts will highlight our first project titled 7th Letter. The 7th letter in the alphabet is G, and in this project we want to inspire people to show their greatness. For our first week of blog posts we will be showcasing people who show greatness. More specifically we will be focusing on celebrities that go above and beyond the call of duty to show their greatness. These celebrities all have similar qualities of selflessness, humility, compassion and have a reputation for giving back.

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